Chowhan, J., Pries, F., and Mann, S. (2016). Persistent innovation and the role of human resource management practices, work organization, and strategy. Journal of Management & Organization (forthcoming).
Zeytinoglu, I.U., Chowhan, J., Cooke, G.B., and Mann, S. (2016). An ill-informed choice: Empirical evidence of the link between employers’ part-time or temporary employment strategies and workplace performance in Canada. The International Journal of Human Resource Management (forthcoming).
Zeytinoglu, I.U., Denton, M., Plenderleith, J.M. and Chowhan, J. (2015). Associations between workers’ health, and non-standard hours and insecurity: The case of home care workers in Ontario, Canada. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, (forthcoming).
Chowhan, J., Zeytinoglu, I. U., and Cooke, G. B. (2014). Immigrants and job satisfaction: Do high performance work systems play a role? Economic and Industrial Democracy, (forthcoming).
Cooke, G. B., Chowhan, J., and Cooper, T. (2014). Dialing it in: A Missed Opportunity Regarding the Strategic Use of Telework? Relations Industrielles-Industrial Relations, 69(3), 550-574.
Chowhan, J. and Stewart, J. M. (2014). While Mothers Work do Children Shirk? Television Viewing and Other Determinants of Youth Obesity. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. 36(2).
Denton, M., Plenderleith, J. M. and Chowhan, J. (2013). Health and Disability as Determinants for Involuntary Retirement of People with Disabilities. Canadian Journal on Aging/Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 32(2), 159-172.
Denton, M., Plenderleith, J. M. and Chowhan, J. (2013). Impact of Type of Retirement on Income for People with Disabilities. Disability & Society, 28(3), 338-352.
Kitchen, P., Williams, A., and Chowhan, J. (2012). Sense of Belonging and Mental Health in Hamilton, Ontario: An Intra-Urban Analysis. Social Indicators Research, 108(2), 277-297.
Chowhan, J., Zeytinoglu, I. U., and Cooke, G. B. (2012). Are Immigrants' Pay and Benefit Satisfaction Different than Canadian-born? Relations Industrielles-Industrial Relations, 67(1), 3-24.
Mann, S. L. and Chowhan, J. (2011). Selection Practices in Canadian Firms: An Empirical Investigation. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 19(4), 435-437.
Mann, S. L. and Chowhan, J. (2011). Weighting Large Datasets with Complex Sampling Designs: Choosing the Appropriate Variance Estimation Method. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 10(1), 110-115.
Cooke, G. B., Chowhan, J., and Brown, T. (2011). Declining versus Participating in Employer-supported Training in Canada. International Journal of Training and Development, 15(4), 271-289.
Kitchen, P., Williams, A., and Chowhan, J. (2011). Sense of Community Belonging and Health in Canada: A Regional Analysis. Social Indicators Research, 107(1), 103-126.
Kitchen, P., Williams, A., and Chowhan, J. (2011). Walking to Work in Canada: Health, Benefits, Socio-Economic Characteristics and Urban-regional Variations. BMC Public Health, 11, 212.
Chowhan, J. and Duncan, L. (2009). Generating and Comparing Aggregate Variables for Use Across Datasets in Multilevel Analysis. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 8(2), 613-625.
Zeytinoglu, I. U., Cooke, G. B., Harry, K., and Chowhan, J. (2008). Low-Paid Workers and On-the-Job Training in Canada. Relations Industrielles-Industrial Relations, 63(1), 5-29.
Chowhan, J., and Stewart, J. M. (2007). Television and the Behaviour of Adolescents: Does Socio-economic Status Moderate the Link? Social Science & Medicine, 65, 1324–1336.
Chowhan, J., and Prud’homme, M. (2005). City Comparisons of Shelter Costs in Canada: A Hedonic Approach. Canadian Journal of Regional Science, 28(3), 417-438.
Buckley, N., Chan, K. S., Chowhan, J., Mestelman, S., and Shehata, M. (2001). Value Orientations, Income and Displacement Effects, and Voluntary Contributions. Experimental Economics, 4: 183-195.
Cooke, G. B., Zeytinoglu, I. U., Mann, S. L., and Chowhan, J. (2010). Trends in Work Schedules among Key Workers in Sub-groups in Canada. McMaster RDC Research Paper, No. 42, October 2012.
Denton, Margaret, Jennifer Plenderleith, and James Chowhan. (2010). Retirement Decisions of People with Disabilities: Voluntary or Involuntary. The Program for Research on Social and Economic Dimensions of an Aging Population (SEDAP Research Paper No. 271). This paper is cross-classified as No. 439 in the McMaster University QSEP Research Report Series.
Chowhan, J. (2006). “Brantford•Brant Business Retention and Expansion Survey Report.” Economic Development and Tourism Department of the City of Brantford. (December).
Chowhan, J. (2005). An Inquiry into the Measurement of Child and Youth Obesity with Canadian Survey Data. McMaster RDC Research Paper, No. 43, October 2012.